Research and Development

T&T believes and invests

in the Research and Development (R&D) sector

with the aim of increasing company know-how and progressing in technological knowledge, both through regional and national tenders with other industrial partners and research institutions, and by investing its own financial resources in internal research activities.

In recent years, the company has participated and has awarded numerous R&D tenders, engaging in innovative projects in the transportation, industrial automation and in the healthcare sectors, such as:
VIDIAS - industrialization of a railway diagnostic system capable of monitoring the quality of the voice service in GSM/GSM-R network infrastructures.
NEMBO - study and experimentation of innovative “embedded” systems characterized by high efficiency for railway applications.
FERSAT - study of a railway signaling system based on the innovative use of satellite technologies and their integration with terrestrial technologies.
EMODEVTRACK - creation of an integrated system for the automation of high-cost medical device management processes, through the use of a system of RFID cabinets in the operating room and an automatic labeling system in pharmacies.
PRIAMOS - collaboration in creation of an integrated software and technological platform for the acquisition and analysis of heterogeneous data with innovative Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques, applied to problems in the railway sector, for safety and maintenance.
TALETE - Smart Mobility solutions which, integrated with the Borgo 4.0 Platform, are able to increase road safety levels, especially in urban contexts, in order to promote greater environmental sustainability of mobility.
NEAPOLIS - Internationalization program aimed at increasing the company's presence internationally through specific marketing plans.

         T&T is a member of different consortia and centers of competence, which act as collection and dissemination centers for information and technical proposals in various areas. The main ones are mentioned below:
  • DATTILO District (High Technology and Logistics District), with the aim of promoting research and development activities, training and scientific dissemination in the automotive, rail transport and advanced logistics sectors, as well as to carry out all the activities supporting the competitiveness of companies in the same sectors.
  • CTIF (Consortium Company for Innovative Railway Technologies), with broad-spectrum technological expertise, whose objective is scientific and technological activity in multiple areas of the rail sector, as well as the development of innovative applications for the railway market.
  • MEDITECH 4.0 COMPETENCE CENTER of the Regions of Campania and Puglia, a highly specialized center of competence, able to favor the transfer of technological solutions and innovation in processes, products and business models deriving from the development, adoption and diffusion of technologies in the 4.0 area, in line with the framework of the interventions of the Industry 4.0 National Plan.